Weight Loss Vs Health Gains
Does this weather have you dreaming of pool season?
It’s that time of year where people start thinking about water and swimsuits…and weight loss and body composition.
If that’s you, then we invite you to look at things a different way.
What if instead of weight loss, you focused on health gains?
We don’t do weight loss in our nutrition programs.
We do health optimization.
It’s amazing how excess weight begins to melt away when you give your body what it needs.
Owning your health is the ONLY path to sustainable weight loss.
Here are some HEALTH tips that tend to result in weight loss:
Count chemicals, not calories. Stress less about cutting calories and simply eat more real food without a label.
Cook more at home. Avoid excess sugar and inflammatory seed oils by cooking more at home with real food from the Earth.
Eat more protein. Have 30 grams of protein with each meal to feel full longer, stabilize blood sugar, and reduce cravings.
Eat more fiber. Have 5-9 servings of fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, or seeds every day.
Eat enough. Everyone has a resting metabolic rate (RMR) with a minimum number of calories needed to maintain life. Dip too far below that number and you can slow your metabolism up to 20%, a problem that can last for months after the fact.
Move your body. Regulate blood sugar and mobilize fat cells by expending energy and using large muscle groups.
Build muscle. Building and maintaining muscle takes a lot of energy. The more muscle you have, the less you need to worry about calories.
Avoid toxins. Chemicals from home and personal products can disrupt hormones resulting in weight gain.
Not sure where to begin? Start by eating more protein and veggies with your regular meals and take a 30 minute walk 3-5x per week.
Already exercising? Make sure you’re not neglecting nutrition! Oftentimes, athletes and active individuals are tracking macros and counting calories, but not paying attention to food quality.
Already solid with nutrition? Get moving! It’s time to build some muscle.
Feel like you’re doing all the things, but still no results? Check your environment – it’s the most overlooked factor in any health journey. Become toxin-aware and reduce your chemical burden.
If you’re interested in more guidance, click here to learn about our nutrition and health coaching programs.
Be Proactive,
Drs. Mike & Natalie