Embracing an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle: Diet, Exercise, Stress Management, and More

We’ve talked a lot about inflammation in our last few posts…

...so how does one go about de-flaming?
Here’s what we suggest for an anti-inflammatory lifestyle:
Anti-inflammatory Diet
Eat primarily real, whole foods that look where they came from, or have a mother. You can’t go wrong with lean meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, & seeds. Limit sugar, refined oils, and processed foods. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!
Toxin-Free Living
Did you know the number of synthetic chemicals in our environment has tripled since the 1970’s? Being exposed to this unprecedented amount of toxins disrupts human metabolism in a variety of ways, leading to inflammation and adverse health outcomes. Increase your awareness with resources like the Environmental Working Group (EWG). We also cover toxins in depth in our health coaching programs. 
Exercise helps our bodies detox by circulating fluid through our lymphatic system, promoting digestion, and excreting toxins through sweat. Cardiovascular exercise improves blood flow which circulates nutrients throughout the body. Resistance exercise builds muscle, which is anti-inflammatory on its own! 
Everyone experiences stress, but it is possible to change our perception of what we find stressful. We know that chronic psychological stress is pro-inflammatory. Learning how to manage your reaction to stressful events is essential for reducing inflammation. Try breathing techniques, walking, journaling, lightening your load, or asking for help. 
Find Purpose
Did you know that people who have purpose in life have better health outcomes than those who lack purpose? Indeed, living life with purpose and meaning – having a reason to jump out of bed in the morning – is anti-inflammatory. You can eat right, exercise, and avoid toxins ‘til the cows come home, but having purpose might be the secret sauce to good health and longevity. Check out our blog post on the mindset of happiness!
Try incorporating these foundational strategies into your lifestyle and feel the difference! Start small and build from there. 
Overwhelmed? Not sure where to start? We’re here to help!
We cover all these topics and more in our health coaching programs. One-on-one coaching is available to start anytime. Our next group program begins in April 2024.
Feel free to send us a message with any questions!
Be Proactive, 
Drs. Mike & Natalie


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