Neck Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Your neck is a complex area made up of bones, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, ligaments, tendons, and lots of supportive tissue.

Your neck can be separated into two sections, your upper and lower neck. Your upper neck is a very mobile area of your spine designed to support your skull and do most of the possible rotation. Your lower neck’s main job is to create stability and support your upper neck.

When this system isn’t working right and either your upper neck isn’t moving, or your lower neck isn’t stabilizing, pain & injury are just a matter of time.

Neck pain can present in a few ways. Stiffness in your upper or lower neck, headaches, pain traveling into your shoulders, arms, and fingers, even numbness & tingling.

Neck pain falls into one of two categories:

  • Acute injury (0-3) months)

    • Common acute injuries that affect your neck may include car accidents, concussions, falls, sports injuries, straining to look over your shoulder, and hitting your head.

  • Chronic injuries: (3 months+)

    • Common chronic neck injures may include arthritis, degenerative disc disease, poor posture, repetitive motions, unresolved acute injuries.

The neck is susceptible to injury because it is capable of extensive range of motion (ROM). The number one cause of neck pain is injury to the soft tissues, including neck muscles, tendons, and ligaments in these structures. Jobs that require you to sit most of the day almost doubles the risk factor of developing this condition. Especially for those who sit with poor posture, meaning that their head is in a flexed forward position.


The following symptoms are very common with neck pain:

  • Pain that increases when your head is held in one place for a long period of time. Examples: driving or working at a computer/desk

  • Muscle spasms and tightness

  • Decreased ability to move your head

  • Soreness

  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in your neck, shoudlers, arms, and hands.

  • Tension headaches


Properly treating your neck pain depends heavily on finding the root cause of your symptoms. Sometimes your neck may be where you’re feeling pain, but your problem may be somewhere else. For example, a common pattern we see in our office is people with neck pain tend to have mobility limitations in their thoracic spine.

Traditional treatments may include rest, activity modification, pharmaceutical medications, and surgery.

You should always try conservative management of neck pain first before going the traditional route.

Conservative treatments of neck pain include chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, exercising, a nd stretching.

Advanced imaging is needed when you don’t see results with conservative treatments. Imaging for your neck typically includes X-rays to see your bony structures, MRI to see your soft tissue structures, or CT scan for more in-depth analysis of all structures.

Your doctor may order tests such as X-Rays and MRIs to diagnose potential causes of pain and help determine the best treatment for your injury. 



Proactive Health providers are experts in diagnosing the root cause of pain and dysfunction. Our doctors will guide you through a full body functional movement assessment which is designed to uncover movement issues that may be contributing or causing your neck pain.

Some of our favorite treatments for neck pain are chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, functional movement rehabilitation, and strengthening key areas of your spine and shoulders.

We are experts in evaluating and treating the specific underlying causes of neck pain which can lead to faster recovery, lasting pain relief, and improved performance in daily life.

If you’re experiencing neck pain, don’t wait. Call us at (423)779-3295 or click the button below to get started.