Hormonal Harmony: Essential Steps for Hormonal Balance and Health

Hormones are THE hot topic in health these days, and for good reason. 

It seems like everyone is having symptoms of hormone imbalance…

  • Fatigue

  • Bloating

  • Gut issues

  • Mood changes

  • Period problems

  • Weight gain/loss

  • Lost libido

The list goes on because hormones impact everything from energy & metabolism to mood & immune function.

So, how do you know if your hormones are imbalanced?

You might think hormone testing is the obvious answer. 

Maybe, but let’s back up a sec first.  

You need these 3 things for happy, balanced hormones:

#1 Gut Health

Did you know that the gut is considered our “second brain”?

The body’s enteric nervous system that regulates the gut uses the same chemicals and cells as the brain to digest food and alert the brain when something is amiss. The gut and brain are in constant communication, and this crosstalk is known as the gut-brain axis. This is important because all hormone production begins in the brain. Hormones are made in many places throughout the body, but the signal telling the body when and how often to make them comes from the brain. The gut microbiome, the integrity of the gut lining, and even the foods we eat all influence hormones through the gut-brain axis. 

#2 Liver Health

Did you know that the liver has more than 500 vital functions?

One of the liver’s roles is to regulate the intricate balance of sex hormones, thyroid hormones, stress hormones, and even blood sugar. The liver transforms hormones into their active forms and removes excess hormones from the body. Not many people think to look to the liver as a cause of hormonal imbalance, but it’s a critical player. Unfortunately, many things in our modern environment can impact the liver, namely, an abundance of chemicals. As our primary detoxing organ, the liver takes a huge hit from modern toxicities like personal care products, tap water, polluted air, pharmaceuticals, and highly processed food. Poor gut health can “back up” the liver as well. That’s why supporting the liver is key to hormonal harmony.

#3 Balanced Blood Sugar 

Did you know that blood sugar impacts your hormones?

The body uses sugar to make energy to fuel everything from the thoughts you think to the regulation of hormones. Imbalanced blood sugar – too high, too low, or unstable – can cause low-grade inflammation which interferes with the brain’s ability to send signals that regulate hormones. Maintaining balanced blood sugar is crucial for happy hormones, but it’s not all about food. Good nutrition is foundational for healthy blood sugar, but lifestyle factors like high stress can also lead to blood sugar imbalances. It’s important to assess your blood sugar from multiple angles to find the root cause of imbalances. 

So, before you jump to hormone testing, do you check all of these boxes?

  • Bowel movement 1-3x per day

  • Bowel movements are soft & well formed

  • Blood labs show optimal liver enzymes

  • Blood labs show optimal blood sugar 

If you can say yes to all 4, then proceed to hormone testing (saliva is best).

But if you’re not sure, or you haven’t had blood work done in a while, the best place to start assessing your hormone health is in our nutrition and health coaching programs.

Our comprehensive health review and blood chemistry checks gut health, liver function, blood sugar, and so much more. 

Cheers to happy hormones!

Drs. Mike & Natalie


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